The world needs more hot Lykke
40. School of Seven Bells – “Half Asleep” – I think this is the only dream pop band cracking the top 40 this year. What ever happened to dream pop? I used to love that stuff.39. Los Campesinos! – “You! Me! Dancing!” Life is too short to not love Los Campesinos.
38. Frightened Rabbit – “The Modern Leper” – A fine song. Makes me want to shatter my existence, pick up the pieces and reassemble myself as a miracle worker in Bangladesh or Bed-Stuy Brooklyn.
37. Cloud Cult – “Everybody Here is a Cloud” – Stellar rhythm parts.
36. Girls – “Hellhole Ratrace” – You won’t get it after one listen. After a while you’ll get it. It’s too endearing.
Girls - "Hellhole Ratrace"
35. Cut Copy – “Feel the Love” – This is one of those jams that just has all the right jingles, blips, ooo-ooo’s and other onomatopoeia in all the right spots (no oxford comma).
34. Giantess – “Tuff ‘n Stuff” – Because I’m a complete cheesedick.
Who will be the gay Giantess member in 2k9?
33. Ida Maria – “Oh My God” – She’s not Swedish, she’s Norwedish, so if you’ve got something against the Swedish then try this because it’s definitely on a peninsula all to itself.
32. Friendly Fires – “Paris” – I’m so lukewarm towards this song until the chorus hits and then I’m like o ya this is a really good song.

31. The Killers – “Human” – I hear this band is big in Sweden. Perhaps one day they will make it big in the United States of America.
30. Those Dancing Days – “Hitten” – I guess I could just do a separate top 40 for Swedish bands.
29. Cassettes Won’t Listen – “Freeze and Explode” – If you didn’t get enough Postage Service in 2004, then get yourself some of this.
28. The Walkmen – “In the New Year” – Possible replacement for perfunctory Auld Lang Syne.
27. Kings of Leon – “Closer” – Sounds like Secret Machines, so…I’ll rate it like it’s a Secret Machines song.
26. Alaska in Winter – “Berlin” – Best use of a vocoder in several millennia.
25. Okkervil River – “Bruce Wayne Cambell Interviewed on the Roof of the Chelsea Hotel, 1979” You couldn’t measure my disappointment when I realized this song was not about Batman…or Robin.
24. Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s – “As Tall as Cliffs” I like indie pop. This is an indie pop song. You can’t possibly not like this song. Take it to your dentist. He will like it too.
23. Jay Reatard – “Gamma Ray” – He outBecks Beck on this one.
22. Blitzen Trapper – “Furr” – Blitzen Trapper went from being on the radar to Oh Fuck There Are Nukes In Fucking Cuba! territory with this jam.
21. Dr. Dog – “The Old Days” – I’m thinking of undergoing voluntary chemotherapy in order to get this song out of my brain. Nothing else has worked.
20. Hot Chip – “Ready for the Floor” – Harmless dance music that’s fun for the whole family.
19. Lykke Li –“ I’m Good I’m Gone” (Fred Falke Remix) – The original is a fine song, but this remix is incredible and turns an enjoyable song into an outstanding one.
Why do birds suddenly appear...
18. Raveonettes – “Sad Transmission” – 4/4 doesn’t get any better than this. Ba dum a dum dum dum dum. Ba dum a dum dum dum dum.
17. M83 – “Graveyard Girl” – Although honestly I could have picked seven songs off this album to take this spot.
16. Amadou et Mariam – “Sabali” – Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. That. Is. All.
15. Parts & Labor – “Nowhere’s High” – This band has been one of those critical darlings forever it seems and I’ve never been able to get into their stuff. Finally they release an album with a little more pop and it’s got some good tunes.
14. Ra Ra Riot – “Oh La” – This song has to have been on The OC at least once this year. O well. I like it. I’m gay. Whatever.
13. Ravens & Chimes – “Archways” – It took me about ten tries to really get this song. Then I got it and I couldn’t get rid of it.
12. Florence and the Machine / Kid Harpoon – “I’m Goin’ Down” - The year’s number one cover recorded on a demo / at a radio station. I just can’t get over how beautifully earnest it is.
Florence and the Machine/ Kid Harpoon - "I'm Goin' Down"
11. Tokyo Police Club – “Tessellate” – Best song off their great album. It means “to fit together perfectly.” Who knew there was a word for that.
10. Matt & Kim – “Daylight” – Ever wonder what it’s like to be high on life? No? either. But in case you’ve never heard what it sounds like, check this out.
Remember how good this movie was? (So good!)
9. Vampire Weekend – “The Kids Don’t Stand a Chance” (Chromeo Remix) You know the song, now check the remix and be educated.
8. The Very Best – “Dinosaur on the Ark” – Beautiful song. Makes me want to go on a safari and get to know my inner African.
7. Foals – “Balloons” – What a Jam. Hottest instrumentals of the year.
Foals - "Balloons"
6. Kleerup/Lykke Li – “Until We Bleed” – Is this song not on MTV? What the fuck happened? Such a hot jam.
What's wrong with a lil unhealth obseshun?

Kleerup/Lykke Li - "Until We Bleed"
5. Santogold – “Lights Out” – I really had trouble putting this song so high because of its obvious overcommercialization but I just had to be honest with myself so I’m putting this song where it would be if I hadn’t started hearing it during halftime of college football games.
4. Cajun Dance Party – “Amylase” – This song just absolutely goes off. 17 year old British kids just nailing it. To quote/paraphrase Derek from GWFA "Without a doubt the best song ever written during an eleventh grade chemistry class."
Everything is better with a lil Amylase!
Cajun Dance Party - "Amylase"
3. Tokyo Police Club – “Be Good” (RAC Remix) – Yes this song was on the 2007 TPC EP. But this remix embraces this band’s sound so perfectly and takes the track to a whole new level (dog).
2. Mr. Gnome – “Pirates” – This song runs you over like a Mack truck. It still blows me away every time I hear it. Its soft/loud dynamic is other worldly. The only thing I can compare it to is Zeppelin.
Mr. Gnome - "Pirates"
NUMBER 1: Passion Pit – “Sleepyhead” – Hasn’t enough already been said about this song?
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