Or oh god it's Winter and now it's cold.
Alaska in Winter later, but first I made this up:
Some of us are Vampires, some of us aren't.
I haven't heard much good stuff over the past week and I'm really reluctant to do a post involving Vampire Weekend in any manner, especially a post where I write something favorable about them. But...the Chromeo remix of "The Kids Don't Stand a Chance" is really good. Take away the annoying and precious VW authored rhythm sections, substitute a legitimate composer and now we have a really great dance song, a really great song.
I envision this conversation taking place when this song is played at a typical networking event @ awful 14th St. gay? bar / dj set @ a pre-MGMT, pre-Cold War Kids, Pre-TV on the Radio concert / some friend of yours' party (20 people or less) who's getting their Masters in (Worthless Advanced Degree Subject) which will not enhance their earning potential or status on the social/sex ladder as much as they hope and desire.
Person 1
(kindof annoying whiney voice): Hey does Paul Simon have a new album?
Person 2
(AIR OF ENTITLEMENT IMPOSSIBLE TO AVOID): I think this is a Vampire Weekend song.
Person 1: O I like it. Let me write that down using just my index finger on my gigatouchipad5000 and I'll download it later to play at thanksgiving for my mom and dad I bet they'll like it too.
Person 2: Did someone say someth-
Person 1 (loosening ascot): It's a remix or something. The original is much better.
Fratster: Gurgle
Or something like that. Anyhow, thank you Chromeo for legitimating this song.
Is this Alaska in Winter?

Or is this Alaska in Summer.
OK now for Alaska in Winter the band. It really is just nice smooth music that is easy to listen to. It's not original or unique in really any way I can think of. You can actually even forget it's on most of the time. It's that good. So check it out, it's the best I've heard this week:
Chromeo - Remix of Vampire Weekend's The Kids Don't Stand a ChanceAlaska in Winter - Berlin